Terry I

I guess if Amy Schumer did it maybe it'd get more press. No, wait…she's not a viable female comedian. Well, maybe that other well known female comedian that has a massive fanbase….hmmm….wait…..

Yeah, unfortuantely stuff like this just gives his supporters more fuel.

Yeah, the Lily subplot was kind of a lampshade fourth wall thing about how no one can ever really pinpoint what her shtick is, like everyone else on the show.

Everyone always praises these hipster companies never knowing what's going on underneath. Snapchat probably has all its female Asian staff dress up like the hooker from Full Metal Jacket during happy hour Friday.

The show itself is still in its infancy so obviously there may be some, as TVTropes puts it, early installment weirdness. Phineas himself was pretty much kind of a one note character at first, but as seasons went on we started to see cracks in the facade so to speak. I doubt Milo is really that optimistic all the time.

What makes the show work is that the jokes come so fast you have to actually be paying attention. I agree that it's not for the slow.

I do agree that Slater actually came off much worse than Archer ever has in this episode, and usually I kind of like him because of how exasperating dealing with the Archer gang is.

Basically what Chuck and Jimmy have is a sibling rivalry that, had it been squashed as kids like normal people, wouldn't have turned into what it did.

Haha, I figured the thug english actor was just a jab at how commonplace that is in Hollywood right now.