How would you prohibit falling, legislatively?
How would you prohibit falling, legislatively?
Of course Americans need firearms, how else are they going to win an argument with someone? What are they supposed to do when they get fired? When their wife divorces them? Act like rational human beings instead of taking out their anger and frustration on completely innocent people?
Graphic campaigns didn’t work to stop, or even slow down, smoking rates.
1) Different rights are treated differently. Even assuming that the 2nd Amendment should be read to grant an individual right to gun ownership outside of the context of service in a militia, it makes sense to treat the right to gun ownership different than the right to freedom of speech or the right to a jury trial or…
The other alternative is that you could do all of the following:
Part of this requires a cultural shift that would make being a gun enthusiast a shameful act. People who love their guns, deny the clear evidence and obvious necessity of gun control, and broadcast their passion for and reliance on guns proudly need to become ashamed of themselves for perpetuating mass death.
Tomato, brah.
But it’s really the Christians in America who are being oppressed and vilified, right Mike Pence?
Someone fetch BarakaObama some smelling salts and a sturdy fainting couch.
In King’s world it’s apparently both normal and expected for everyone to immediately identify themselves by their orientation and/or their religion rather than their actual names. Also, in King’s world, Jews can’t also be homosexuals.
According to the Herald, a number of audience members “chuckled” as King offered his “two homosexuals and Jew” defense.
Finally! A statistically fact-based study that is confirming what anyone with a brain already knew, but will continue be ignored by the idiots who still think Trump has any semblance of a point about immigrants.
“But hey, this one time this undocumented illegal alien did something bad, so therefore they all do something bad.”
also, see Muslims.
“Also, this one time my friend got passed over for a job so they could make a minority hire. It happens all the time.”
Yours truly,
Mr. Milty B. Cock
CEO, Trump Paint-By-Numbers Factbook
This guy’s statements are a hilarious word salad of MAGA buzzwords and military jargon.
1. Fuck this guy for calling a rapist a “parent.”
So not wanting to carry the pregnancy of a rapist is "twisted logic" but rape itself is simply a "misdeed"? Fuck this clown.