
Interesting. I wonder if this was also part of the original Nintendo Direct, since this was originally a super-fun Gamecube game with mild success. A remastered release on the Switch would seem like the perfect platform for both local and online multiplayer, not to mention seeing the game return on another Nintendo

in Japan?? No, PS4 sells around 1/2 of Switch numbers. Europe, Yes. America, it’s a week to week thing.

Really can’t stand the Azerite system and it pales in comparison to the artifact weapons. The interface is clunky and the system is really poorly explained, which would be excusable if it was intuitive in any way. I should probably go read a guide.

Careful, Laura. There’s a subtle difference between child abuse and child ab use.

He’s gonna plagiarize this post tomorrow. :O

Hmm, I have a sneaking suspicion I know what his next apology will (totally coincidentally) closely resemble....

Well I mean I guess I also feel blessed I wasn’t killed on 9/11, but I keep it on the DL.

As of a few years ago NFL players are charged with domestic abuse at a lower rate than the MLB and about the same as the general public. So that logic is kind of shit.

PC is fine, they’ve just learned that they can get people to buy multiple copies with staggered releases. People who can’t wait will buy it on console and then swap to PC later.

Those bastards.....

“your guns aren’t the only way to interact with the world”

I’m still cold on the game so far, as none of the gameplay looks particularly unique or that much improved for me to really care about. Only thing impressive is what Rockstar usually does, and that’s the production values of the world. It really does look like the picturesque version of the wild west.

How about calling this cosplay “purrfect” instead?

Not unlike the reaction when a coworker tries to hand you a pair of 500-level White Sox tickets. 

He is survived by his fraternal twin brother, Mario, and his son, Waluigi.

The amount of content, long-requested additions/changes, and even NOT-requested-but-holy-shit-they-did-it stuff is insane. This is legitimately an incredible project.

Ah Jeez! Put up a trigger warning will ya? That’s fucking disgusting.

same for Remix to Ignition

List of Legendary Power Ups: Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, Super Side Switch