Terry Craig

MacLachlan’s subtle changes in physicality when portraying Mr. C/Dougie/Cooper has probably been my single favorite part of this whole season. It’s way more complex than scowling vs. blankness vs. confidence, he puts his entire body into differentiating these different personalities with every move they make. I would

I wasn’t aware that’s what everyone wanted. But, if people did, I’m also glad that they subverted that. What they actually did with Cooper here shows how upstanding and “bright” (in a moral type of sense, rather than an intellectual sense - but both are true) of a soul the real Dale Cooper is, but also that he’s a

The best possible choice from the show was to disappoint everyone who wanted him to immediately start throwing thumbs up and saying coffee was “damn fine”

I disagree on your line suggestion. It’s not like he was actively planning on killing Richard. He was merely willing to use him as a guinea pig. The line also would have made it completely clear to the audience that Richards was going to die, which wouldn’t improve things.

Speaking of which was DOES need to be tied up? Obviously Evil Coop needs to be defeated and the Audrey thing should be addressed as should the eyeless woman in the jail, (who is possibly Diane), but what else is there? Presumably the Green Glove Guy is in the jail to punch Evil Cooper so that explains that random

Yes, Diane is...livin’ on Tulpa time.

Mr. C actually said “Goodbye *my* son.”

This headline is posted inescapably at the top of the site’s front page.

“What the fuck is going on in this neighborhood?”

Yeah, its on the mainpage. I had already seen the episode, but yeah maybe go with a different title. Its not like people have been waiting 25 years for this moment or anything.

It’s in the HEADLINE, which is visible even from the main page.  Should I just not go on the site before I catch up on all my shows?

Spoilers in the headline? What the fuck? Can’t I refresh the reviews page without getting spoiled so heavily? I just wanted to check the letter grade before diving into the episode, and now... well, it won’t be quite as fun, will it, Emily?

WILSON?! This is what we DO IN THE FBI!!