Terry Christopher

Nothing more fun than irritating liberal internet trolls, going about my day and having so many soft America-hating morons (mostly anonymous) reply that I don't have time or care to read…… Wish me a happy veteran's day and go cry in the corner.

Classic liberal tactic, calling names from an anonymous account. If you're not willing to attach your name to your oppinion it doesn't mater. I haven't decided who I'm voting for yet, but feel free to assume what I "eat raw." He didn't say all Mexican immigrants were criminals, he was stating that there are criminals

I love all the "tolerant" liberals so willing to stand up against freedom of speech. If you weren't all shrill crybabies and were willing to actually listen to what he said in context you would understand better. Unfortunately, that would take thinking for yourselves and you're all too lazy to think or do anything