
start writing your thinkpieces now!

i can totally freestyle over this sample

I can imagine saying lots of preposterously stupid things and in that case I’d certainly like the chance to be corrected

wow everyone look at how alternative colorrant is

here’s your hero, coker:

that’s a false equivalency and you know it

if you’re warning about rotten meat 10x as often as rotten dairy, inferences will be made

seriously? every other post is about how horrible trump is

Isn’t it funny how he’s managed to convince people that he’s the less scary of the two?

i’m sure the bartenders at RR aren’t exactly starving

sure wont miss these shitposts when gawker media gets shut down

still cant be bothered to make a god damn endorsement, though

very brave of you to post this on gawker dot com

try harder

only way no one gets hurt in this crash is if the bus was empty...are they designed to crumple that easily? paging jalopnik...

let me have this

i hope you bet $150mil on UNI

lol jia didnt know that she’s just covering

so madge is going to have to register as a sex offender now, right?

people who can’t proofread?