
So what happens if a person who is ,for a lack of a better word, a woman doesn’t identify as a women, is that person allowed to join the group? Is this group strictly for women who identify as women? if so there will be a lot of triggered people and they should rephrase their whole who is accepted in the group

In the first Thor Odin stripped Thor of his power and enchanted the Hammer to give the power of Thor to whoever can lift the hammer (worthiness) once he was worthy, the Hammer was used to Channel his power (speaking of Thor of course) the enchantment was never removed. since he brought the hammer back

This is Hop(2011) all over again for James Marsden. Why does he do this to himself?

Please tell me which kid under 12 plays sonic? these movies are all supposed to be catered to people who have lived and played the shit out of sonic, same with all the other game/comicbook to movie. they prey on the now adults and their nostalgia but create a movie for kids that dont even comprehend where sonic comes

Its a good replacement for people that cant build at Ninja’s speed. It does have a draw back as it is not an infinite boost. if they leave it but just reduce the amount of jetpack spawn from crates and stuff that would be fine.

the white robot.

What if these “shooting stars” will be the air strikes of pubg, Making a zone within the circle unsafe? Falling meteors make much more sense in Fortnite than an airstrike would and it would make building a big fortress a risk to take as it could be destroyed by the falling meteors.

lol epic loot... Half the time you win in tilted you come out almost empty handed because all the bullets were spent. You wont get much material to work with because it was spent fighting. the only satisfaction you get is an Adrenalin rush at the start of the game and a well deserved slower pace after. Most of the

The battle royal Genre is far from boring depending on how you play. If you wanna go ahead and hide all game just to kill the last guy standing, yeah you can do that but you can know that the last guy standing will probably have better equipment than you do. Games with 10 kills or more are far more enjoyable than the

This is what happens when you hang out with Drake for too long. You start to feel like you belong XD

I am no writer myself and I know that most articles are here to gather different opinions and answers from everyone but this is just ridiculous. If you cannot separate the multiplayer experience from the Story BF1 is trying to tell, it is no different from someone saying Video games are the cause for all violence.