
Yes. All pore spelling must be corrected.

Heavy Metal was a tour "of" force in that was an embodiment of a lifestyle that got translated to the screen: sex, drugs, and rock n' roll. Morally ambivalent, it didn't champion the ideals of good over evil, but instead a warrior mentality to which only the ones that rock the hardest survive.

Something something shark flying through air without having jumped first, Fonzie's bones roll over in grave, a single tear of pomade runs down to where he used to say "Aaa!"

Don't know why folks are looking for clues when the whole episode it's spelled out that Mustached Character is a bad man with his life behind him with nothing to live for.

No one noticed that Madame Gao from Daredevil appeared in this episode as the matchmaker trying to pawn off Chang (changed her accent a bit)? To complete the trifecta of TV network stereotypes, she's have to appear on Unbreakable Kimmy Schimdt as a ineffable square dancing granny.

Death rituals aside, bowing in modern China is when its part of your lousy job, or when you desperately want something (forgiveness, acceptance).

Styles make fights.

The language they speak in the flashback is Mandarin (Chinese).
The flashy fighting style seen in the flashback that looks better on the screen than in real life is from China.
The traditional dick medicine that they're smuggling in the flashback is TCM (traditional Chinese medicine).

2. Five second rule for dropped food does not apply.

Because cockroach?

Curse you, Berkeley, CURSE YOU!

Next on CBC: "Phuket, I'm Outta Here", a reality show set in Thailand were contestants compete to return to the snowy climes of Canada.

Without a paddle.

If you need to blame someone for having fallen for this kind of clickbait, you can do what Chinese netizens do and say your "hand is cheap".

"What about Asians mocking each other's accents?"

A fan doesn't get to choose what they like, they just do, that's why they're a fan.

Many English titles of Chinese films are lacking, but they shouldn't change it completely to rebrand it as something else.

Anyone interesting in watching this should relegate themselves to a media that allows for fast-forwarding. The goofiness of Chinese genre films (ie every film China makes) makes for some frustrating suspending of your belief. The grittiness of the tone is offset by the bumbling of the Hong Kong police force.

At least with the black ninja mask, the people Daredevil was interrogating couldn't tell that he wasn't looking at them.

That dog could have only had one name: "Onesies".