Terrifying Metal Crab

Exactly. Praising an online retailer was bad enough, but realizing his error and removing the offending tweet is even worse. This man clearly should be tried for treason. He’s putting a corporation above the nation he swore to serve.

We should set up an international authoritarian government to ensure quinoa prices remain artificially below market value. I’m very certain we won’t end up with a supply shortage and violent black market selling common household goods at higher prices. That never happens in socialist nations.

These seizures were made under President Obama’s administration, not “President Bannon”. What motives do you think President Obama’s/Secretary Johnson’s CBP attack dogs may have had for seizing literature?

My first thought as well. But who would dare make an electric or hybrid vehicle the villain? I have two theories:

Your will to live doesn’t seem very strong. Are you okay?

Because we’re not willing to level entire cities with cheap, indiscriminate dumb bombs or incendiary weapons when ISIS is dug in like ticks amongst non-combatants in occupied areas. Like we did in WWII. And because we’re not sending in ground forces to find and personally shoot every enemy soldier still holding a

A follow-up tweet advocating white genocide would clear things up nicely and square Wendy’s with the left.

I’d like to see where you’re getting your information on their lack of funds to procure and launch spacecraft. Their satellite program currently gets about $2,400,000,000 per year to procure, launch, and operate satellites. Of course all of the actual launch services and much of the satellite design and construction

NOAA already has a robust space program. They have a fleet satellites in geostationary and polar orbits, monitoring the entire globe. They’ve been in the space-based climate/weather business since 1960. Global climate research is not new to them. You will find that climate.gov is a NOAA site. Not NASA.

They already have that mission and are doing a great many things with it. And an agency whose sole purpose is to study climate and weather, and to address their effects on we plants and animals who live on planet Earth, might resent your assertion that they lack expertise in climate and weather.

NOAA handles a lot of environmental/atmospheric/oceanic research and observation, with a rather expansive space program paired with all their surface resources. They already have several billion dollars at their disposal for these purposes. Eliminating redundancies and organizing federal climate study under a single

Right? Why the hell would anyone be offended by the promotion of genocide?

In terms of general hazard avoidance and fear, no it is not a big change. In terms of vehicle operation, the differences are significant.

This line is wholly absurd. Aside from the fact that every successful manned orbital spaceflight (and many unmanned missions) returned to Earth without crashing, the Falcon 9 first stage comes nowhere near orbital velocities or altitudes.

The system is not designed to promote the “best interests” of the people, it’s designed to represent the will of the people through their state representatives. Despite some objections, The U.S. is still a federation of states, as the name implies.

So people with your values should stop reproducing, entirely surrendering the next generation to the Trump troupe?

1) Look at anywhere an influx of people overwhelms housing supply. San Francisco for example. Too many people coming in + inadequate new construction = higher housing prices.

I know it’s super mean, but managing nations sometimes means having to tell people “no”.

So unlimited immigration until local labor markets’ pay and working conditions reach parity with Central America?

I agree, but this will require a sea-change. A fever and a headache is probably the common cold. But it could be an imminently life-threatening case of meningitis; only a spinal tap will tell for sure. At what level of triage will the decision to reroute the patient to a clinic/overbooked general practitioner be