

Xander’s another who started out well, for me anyway, but later...

Xander was never my favorite, but man did the writers succeed in making me really dislike him by the time the show was over.

I never knew I wanted this to happen until it happened.

Hands down, better than Penny Arcade!

When are you going to stop showing penny arcade? It stopped being funny years ago

She’s an asshole.

You also failed to mention my son scoring his first basket in his basketball league.

I loved the first 2/3 and then it kind of went off the rails for me. I know a lot of people loved it, but IMO it had a really offputting and confusing tonal shift from ‘cool spy action movie’ (which was what I was expecting from the trailers) to ‘over-the-top ultraviolence that we’re supposed to laugh at’. And then

Seriously, the movie was good otherwise, but the whole princess/anal joke just made everything worse. Here’s Lancelot, an excellent female character who isn’t the love interest! But wait, you also get this one-note joke with a fembot. Ugh.

Without the last 3-5 minutes, I would have walked away from that film pretty satisfied. Instead I felt icky and annoyed.

It’s terrible, but then again when you put Matthew Vaughn and Mark Millar together it’s unwise to get your expectations too high. In the end, I just don’t think it was half as cool or edgy as it fancies itself to be.

it’s surprisingly crass in a couple spots.

But at least you’ve chilled out on the Jurassic World criticism based almost entirely on one character’s choice of footwear...

It was a bloodier time, brother against brother, sister against sister. For, you could trust no one and the nights were long and the days longer. The streets ran thick with Canola oil, the air heavy with the scent of white cheddar flavoring....

Met the Mast brothers at a party. Nice enough guys, but it was a birthday party and their “present” was like, 20 bars of their own chocolate. Some of us opened a bunch and shared them....never seen so many polite “mmmm...so good” grimaces. I’m not sure that adding pepper to chocolate justifies a $12 price tag.

A best of the year list without “Unbeatable Squirrel Girl” is a list that is wrong.

I’m just gonna leave this here.

No Unbeatable Squirrel Girl or the Groot mini series? Boo this list!