
It’s a tiny thing, maybe not even a plot hole, but four Skrulls walked out of the ocean. One died in the car crash, Science Skrull died (pointlessly) in a shack, the boss went into space....what happened to the fourth one? Is there a Skrull stuck in traffic in LA somewhere?

I spent a summer in high school harvesting blueberries, and here’s a secret: the absolute best ones, the ones the size of cherries that almost glow with their azure ripeness, never even made it into the harvest bucket, let alone to the Whole Foods in Upper Buttneck. They’re so good they’re magical. Probably the best

That “wild animal” is one of the tame pigs that live on/make up the only tourist attraction on Big Major Cay, which is 50 miles northwest and thirteen islands away from Great Exuma where the festival was. Plus, how “remote” can an island be that has an airport, an 18-hole golf course and a Sandals Resort? They’ve got

This is entirely true, and Caity Weaver is going to have a field day with it in her next “GAWKER STILL HAS NO BLACK EMPLOYEES” tweet.

PAUL. I want my ringtone to just be him saying “kawaii” over and over again.

I would love to hear more about the artisanal popcorn wars of 2011.

It’s hard for me to tell how much the show has evolved when so many of their broadcasts are repeats from 4-5 years ago, but I definitely get a sense that at some point —maybe when Mike Daisey happened?— they decided they had to move away from the twee, research-free ‘Ira spends 20 minutes describing how much he

The new evidence that Don’s mom forged a timesheet to show that Don was working on that day makes me think he’s either as shady as hell, or at the least they chose a very bad time to try to grift some money from Lenscrafters.

They’ve made an important, unforgettable thriller about a newspaper...that built on the work another local paper did, without ever giving credit for it.

Holy shit. If I was Kristen Lombardi or any of the other Boston Phoenix folks who broke this story a year before the Globe did, I would be going insane with rage right now.

I’m mostly straight, but dammmmmmmn he fine.

I think you’re being extremely generous in your description of how much thought Knight’s Tale put into its use of music.

I have to say, this is one of the best “Filed Under” categories I’ve ever seen.

I thought Norman Bates’s mother was dead, not inspiring Facebook quotes.

Could we please get ‘100 Days of Sara’s Costume Ideas’?

I love the multiple actor audiobooks like World War Z and Dracula (Alan Cumming and Tim Curry? YES), but for single narrator books anything Simon Jones reads is golden. Reading the Bartimaeus Trilogy is enjoyable, but listening to Jones perform it and hearing all the notes of amusement/frustration/contempt he puts

I’m so stunned from the “Mike Tyson Mysteries” wiki page that I’m going to be useless for the rest of the day.

Please no, because then you’ll be clicking on it every single damn day. If it wasn’t for people hate-clicking on the series to try to figure out why we’re being subjected to this, Gawker would have pulled the plug months ago.

Because ‘bouncer’ sounds more blue collar? I imagine it’s very handy to have someone with muscles around who can yell “NO TOUCHING!” loud enough to scare off drunken tourists.

If this had been a Florida story, I have a feeling it would have involved the cop accidentally shooting either himself or some innocent bystander on the other side of the wall. Texans, take comfort in the fact that when we hear about you doing stupid drunken things with firearms we still expect some basic level of