
I want to know more about this couple. Like, did they first hook up because they each brought a statue of Jesus with them on the first date? Or was one relatively normal, but a few years into the marriage their spouse turned to them with a gleam in their eye and said “You know what would really spice up our trips to

The Men in Black and all their variations: either aliens are posing as federal agents (badly), or a Secret Government Agency has blatantly obvious non-humans working for it that they still send out in public. Extra bonus points when they show up after Bigfoot or other cryptid sightings, extra EXTRA bonus points when

You could make a real life Mamet play out of the experience those two had in their crappy Saugus hotel room, their laptops and phones confiscated, waiting for the police to inevitably search the car and find those guns. (Just dropping two out-of-towners outside the Hynes and forcing them to figure out how to get to

Thank you so much for this!

For a heartbeat or two in the second Avengers movie, I actually thought they might bring in Doom as a wildcard. It made sense geographically, it had the right combination of things that would attract his attention (a chance to safeguard Latveria from a threat in the region, demonstrate that the Avengers aren’t needed

What. the. hell? How can anyone work there without dying a little inside every time they look at that sign?

“When you’re bipolar it’s amazing what can trigger you. You obviously have a very triggering face.”

Oooo, now you’ve got me imagining a Palin/Trump ticket...

Okay, wait, back up: you can get food somewhere in Manhattan for $2.75?

This looks like a Cirque du Soleil audition gone horribly wrong.

Considering all the airborne grease that must have saturated the bark of those trees over the years, I’m surprised they didn’t explode like the set of a Michael Bay music video.

I am both desperate to know and terrified to know who the other high profile comics are.

The graphics for this new GTA game are great, but I’m a little surprised by the setting.

Oof. Yes, that’s a mike drop.

It does have the Rocky Ridge Refuge, the source of 90% of the internet’s photos of capybaras and puppies and ducklings all hanging out together in big cuddle-piles.

But, but, without Western Maine all of Stephen King’s movies would have to be filmed in Canada!..........oh wait.

While I normally oppose the use of military hardware by local police forces, if the cops sent to arrest and deport Joe happen to use tear gas and flashbang grenades (after making sure he’s the only person in the house, of course) in the course of surprising him while he’s on his gold toilet, I’ll feel pretty okay with

It’s a little like admitting you eat your soup with a straw so you don’t leave any fingerprints on the utensils.

Jesus, I’d rather have five days of hernia surgery than one more day of whatzername.