Normcore Rockwell

I keep thinking back to how their current ballpark opened as Enron Park, and while they’ve long dissociated themselves from Enron (they had to pay $25 million to remove all the signage and rename the stadium!) but I feel like the “smartest guys in the room” legacy lives on.

“Extremely okay” is such a perfect description of Buck, and really, pretty much every national TV announcer who manages to not sound like a complete idiot on live TV.

But seriously, Jose Andres is a goddamn saint. He was in Puerto Rico serving over 10,000 a meals a day after Hurricane Maria struck.

Sure, but I wouldn’t be upset at all if this happens:

I’m kinda hoping there’s a Game 5 now

Ah fuck. 

Oh man, Whitehead doesn’t play for Miami? Does anyone play for any team any more?

If you’re using two corporations to show the wealth of TFC, I think the whole emirate, and not just its emir, would offer a more apples-to-apples comparison.

It’s not bush league, but the World Cup and Champions League Final are both neutral venue events.

Yes, exactly that! In soccer, you’d use the flip to get more forward momentum, but with a dunk, I’m wondering if you can transfer that energy upward using the ball.

“I feel terrible for your brain, but this is tremendous content.”

Right NYCFC is definitely not financed by one of the ruling families of an oil state.  

Okay okay okay but hear me out: you’ve seen people do flip throw-ins in soccer right? What if, you did a front flip, use the ball to give yourself a bounce off the floor and dunked? 

Cruising through the regular season, only to fall to a less monied and less fancied opponent in the knockout stages is pretty on-brand for City Football Group.

re: fans at Nats games

tHe pOlLs gOt 2016 wRoNg

Now playing

After watching Free Solo, then seeing him on bunch of stuff on Red Bull TV, I was struck by how much looser he can be. Like, this is fun:

Both Bale and Di Maria started the 2014 Final!

I mean just look at this outside-of-the-boot pass