But doesn’t the xG map include those stoppage time chances where Liverpool pushed up and recklessly leaving the defense exposed? Yeah, that happened so it’s reflected in the stats, but given the context, I don’t think it discounts Luis’s point.
But doesn’t the xG map include those stoppage time chances where Liverpool pushed up and recklessly leaving the defense exposed? Yeah, that happened so it’s reflected in the stats, but given the context, I don’t think it discounts Luis’s point.
Hooray, totalitarian state!
When Japanese ppl complain about “foreign visitors”, they really mean the mainland Chinese.
But what about Michael Phelps’ lactic acid production? That’s arguably a bigger advantage, even against his elite peers, than Semenya’s elevated testosterone levels.
eVeN tHe pLaYiNg fIeLd
American tourists are often loud and annoying and stand out like a sore thumb, and the English can be awful too, but I think they’re generally harmless as long as you keep them away from nature preserves, but I find that East Asian tourists can be downright destructive. Maybe it’s confirmation bias, but I feel like…
When did I say it was an excuse? I was just happy that the team came out of that without losing and only missed a beat slightly. And why are you so angry about another fan base enjoying a historic season? Have you thought about hugging a small animal?
No, just that Liverpool weathered its injury problem much better than anyone could’ve predicted. And yes, City did lose key players for stretches, but it never reached crisis status, like Liverpool only having two capable, fully-fit defenders at one point.
This is dumb, because you’re essentially arguing the timing of results, not the results themselves.
Also, Sissoko is right-footed so Van Dijk was able to prevent a shot on his favored foot and prevent the pass at the same time. In retrospect (and really, it’s a harsh retrospect), Son should’ve either gone wider to force Van Dijk to commit to one player or crossed over to Sissoko’s left to open his right side.…
“Sorry, I have to go. I heard Ben left some coins on the floor.”
Not very nice to steal the New York Times’ headline.
Sure, you drop 7 points if you lose once and draw twice. How many champions haven’t dropped 3 results in half a season? It’s a great season by pretty much any measure.
Same. It’s been such a great season with great moments. I’d be disappointed, but there isn’t a single player on the team I’m upset with—I love Robbo, Trent, Big Virg, Bobby, the whole bunch. Those draws in January hurt for sure, but it’s not like the Liverpool of past that couldn’t put away mediocre teams.
Nah, you can’t blame Moussa. Virgil played the passing lane perfectly and allowed Alisson to close out the angle, while Robertson eventually recovered to help out on Son.
I think a part of it is that Durant is a sensitive dude, and I think that’s okay. I respect it. And all the money and fame and success won’t turn someone who’s naturally insecure and introspective into Russell Westbrook. Some of the most successful people in all industries are walking around with imposter syndrome.
Yeah, looking at that list, I have no idea where the scoring is coming from. Between Ben Wallace, Bo Outlaw and John Amaechi, it’s three big guys who can’t score and the point guard is a 31-year-old with an eFG% of lower than .500 (how does he put up 6 APG with that cast?).
Though the following season, they added Tracy McGrady (12.2 win shares!) and Mike Miller (and 4 games from Grant Hill), and they only improved to 43-39, so 🤷🏻♂️.