Terrible Gerbil

Americans just don’t understand how money, and in particular, credit works. Add in a dash of “keeping up with the Joneses” and you get this moronic shit.

Bmw stopped being a car company well more than 10 years ago. Much like harley, they are instead a marketing machine of epic proportions. The more “M” branding they can put on a vehicle, the more they can charge you suckers for it.

Ten years of buildup for this car and that’s Toyota’s superbowl ad? Are you fucking kidding me? It was a throwback alright... It was just as boring and visually unimpressive as the 1985 MR2 ad. Actually, the MR2 ad was better: It was shorter.

Journalists Need to Stop Doing this Sneaky Click Baity Trick in Their Headlines.”

^^^This. Are we literally so lazy that we need to see the summary before we get to the summary page?!

If I were a “real person” in this ad with Chevy claiming to be more reliable than Honda and Toyota, I think my first question would be:

“Are these Chevy’s equipped with the new ignition switches or the old ignition switches?

100% what he said.^^^

I’m actually leaning toward liking this design and if the $49,999 starting price tag is true this could be A LOT of car for the money.

Even I’M getting tired of my Harley rants.

Nobody that likes BMW’s wants a Toyota badge.

What’s a “supra”? News to me.

I saw this challemge on another site and thought this is something I need to do. However, reading this second article I realize this is, very annoyingly, a facebook only activity. Which is sadly very uninclusive. I don’t have and won’t ever again login to facebook. Is there any other venue that one can participate in

“This last fall I bought a 1996 NA Miata... that ***doesn’t have any AC***”

That’s what you get for shooting vertical video, pal.

Apparently Chevy’s car manufacturing groundhog saw its shadow: So 6 more months of this bullshit.

I’m just so bored of this. All of this. There’s this thing called “Overplaying your hand”, Toyota (I’m also looking at you Chevy). Whatever.

... said no one, ever.

Wait, the Mitsubishi Eclipes Sportcross is a thing?!? Wow. I either missed that or just brain dumped it.

“Skipping gears is fine...”