
Congrats to her and Constance Wu who don’t give a fuck about hurting their careers by pissing off the sexist frat bros who run Hollywood and will probably side with Affleck.

I’m tired of straight white guys only getting roles as dead strippers.

At minimum he needs to man bun it for whatever the duration is.

I’m the only female mortician at the funeral home where I work. I work with a gaggle of Neanderthal men with the combined IQ of six, all misogynistic, racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic (and shockingly Trump-supporting!) Philistines. I am calling in sick tomorrow and the place will no doubt burst into flames without the

It seems like the easiest way to do it is to use a spouse or family member whose number on a call log wouldn’t arouse suspicion in a three way call.

Under FERPA, I do more to hide my students’ grades and id numbers than this jackass does to hide classified information that might keep us all from dying. JFC.

Next jackass who tells me Hillary was a traitor because she might not have been perfect about her emails gets ripped a new one.

Is it wrong that I feel let down that it was just a few people protesting and one guy yelling “shame”?

Having watched this, it appears to be one guy with a black lives matter sign and while I adore this man dearly - if she is going to let ONE person scare her away, she has no business leaving her house every morning to exist in society let alone have this job.

forcibly turned away by protesters Friday when she attempted to enter a DC middle school

Come back Jeb!, come back!

One of these men is now President, and one is in charge of HUD. Let that sink in.

She and Fredrick Douglass are hanging out.

Not just Keurigs, but any drip coffee maker!! Unless you prefer mildew and shit in your morning Joe...

I snuck vinegar and baking soda into a friend’s front loading washer. It was too rank to proceed like a normal human, so I pretended that I was washing my gym clothes.

Of all the reasons to hate politics, the hypocrisy of the right on our current and last first ladies is right up there. Melania is on the cover of Vanity Fair eating diamonds and won’t move to DC yet it’s crickets on her because the left is too nice and the right doesn’t care. Michelle Obama asks kids to eat healthy

I hate knowing now that someone as useless as Scott Disick can afford to pay $50K/week for a rental home.

No. This is unprecedented fuckery. Newt Gingrich et al attempted shit like this—but the orange buffoon and his minions are the most terrifying people to administrate our country in US political history.

Not. Even. CLOSE.

After 911 and in the run up to the war it was similar, but those of us who were against the war were an invisible and nearly voiceless minority. I read Glenn Greenwald’s coverage in Salon, among others, but in the regular newspapers and pundit shows, the consensus was that we’d invade ASAP, liberate Iraq for a bunch