
We started trying Wednesday. Actually not for the fear of a reduced Obamacare, but out of desire to contribute little liberals to the resistance army which we will undoubtedly need to form in the near future.

I went to a Halloween party last night where there was so much appropriation in terms of costumes that they were literally everywhere I looked. These were new friends who are our neighbors, and so I had in no way prepared myself for an array of drunken sugar skulls, “rappers,” “Latin gangsters,” and “Polynesians”

I have this one.

My husband’s wackadoodle ex-wife who pulled her kids out of a school because the principal is a lesbian - even SHE isn’t voting for Trump.

I only found out my husband was a rageaholic after we got married, or he turned into one after we did. It is mostly fueled by alcohol. If I wasn’t so worried about him it would be hilarious, because he gets mad about the littlest things, and, like, can’t let it go.

Did you ever see the episode of FRIENDS where everyone was trying to name the 50 States without looking at a map and Phoebe got bored and started naming types of celery?

My husband brought one of those home one day for our bathroom and I was like “get that metallic tacky 80's-looking shit out of my house!” And he was all, “But it was on a really NICE display at Lowe’s! Isn’t it NICE?!”

When I found out the husband had thyroid cancer, I spent a lot of time thinking about how I didn’t feel bad enough for him!

This is so weird to me, because I’m a Bernie supporter, and most of my friends are as well. Also, I know a lot of my Facebook friends are, too. But I haven’t seen anything misogynist or any memes or really anything, unless you count the little pictures of Bernie shared from his FB page with a quote about income

I am so sorry that this happened to you.


This. My husband’s fifteen-year-old daughter has had untreated mood, impulse control, and acting out tendencies for as long as I’ve known her, since she was ten. She took her first shot of Crown Royal when she was 12, and started smoking pot at 13. She runs away regularly and has been put in handcuffs by the police

Most of the pictures on her website are terrible.

I had totally forgotten about Spiderman the Musical. Thanks for the laugh.

I don’t have actual data and she and her family are estranged now (hence, she is my husband’s niece but not mine) so I can’t ask, but until they fled the country for Costa Rica (because Tea Party), I know that that was her only “job.”

The church trained and hired her! Because marriage is about Jesus, mostly.

My husband’s niece, instead of accepting one of the many college offers she had when she graduated high school, instead got trained to be a marital counselor by her church. So at 19, she was a relationship therapist!

Haha. “Dash”-ed.

I have never been less sexually attracted to a group of males in my life, and I’ve been to the Indiana Boat, Sport, & Travel Show.

Yeah, and I empathize with his economic perspective. As a SBO, he is taxed individually on what the company makes as a whole. So he is technically a 1%-er on paper, but we see so little of that money that he ends up bringing home about what I make as a professor. I can understand why he wouldn’t support someone like