
Give me one instance where a terrorist group or anyone has shut down our cell phone network, or placed a virus on a phone on a worldwide scale, or hacked Onstar to steal fleets of vehicles or hacked into our power grid and turned off a city. Because there are teams of people who are on this. The last one I think kind

Oh fuck off. Seriously. ISIS cares. You’re going to strawman me with that? They can’t even figure out social media, you know what...I’m not even going to continue. Your not even worth it.

I am getting SO sick of these sensationalist ‘hacking’ articles on Gawker. There are only 170,000 of these on the road, who gives a shit. No one is hacking these, no one cares.

I’ve driven a lot of vehicles with a backup cameras and never had a problem with it getting too dirty or unclear. I drove a Toyota Tundra in all sorts of conditions and muddy roads, far more than anyone living within 50km of a city would, and it held up. And if if does get a little dirty, they say right in the book to

My only frustration was the latency. That could have been my network, but now that I got a new DOCSIS 3.0 router it should be a little better, I’ll give it a shot this eve.

Idiot Dodge owners love to freely advertise their brand all while getting screwed on resale. It’s bad enough they are worth 15% of sticker after 5 years but then you have to be a massive fucking billboard for the cheapest truck on the market. I don’t get it.

This just in: People are dumb and still confused about what’s happening to their PC after clearly being shown what has been happened to their PC.

Not really sure why the MPAA even cares at this point. It’s almost just a pointless make work project that keeps some people employed with meaningless work.

Only near a million now and counting. There are several livestreams of their subscriber count just steadily dropping. Quite hilarious. Actions have consequences.

I just searched Zika and nothing came up.

Fuck. Now that’s funny.

I’m reading Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion right now. Great read.

The GoPro to Periscope feature, to my dismay, only works with the Hero 4 and nothing below. I thought my 3+ would be my golden ticket but I was greatly disappointed.

Chernobyl...try supernova.

I hate this corporation.

This is why I come to Lifehacker.

I don’t know why you just don’t use Inbox and do away with Gmail and solve all your problems without any third party add-on. I got a ton of invites for Inbox if you want one, not sure why a person for a tech blog is not using the latest tech. Baffling.

I’m calling bullshit because it’s not just them. They are jumping on this corporate bandwagon for price increases right now. If they would have waited a few months or had done it in early Q4 last year, fine, no issue.

No, I don’t pretend to know anything. I just ask my better half who is a manager in the insurance industry. It’s best to know exactly what you’re talking about when making a case or complaining.

So when gas prices go back up we will undoubtedly see this increase reversed because less people are driving, right? Or...no...