
For the bettering of our society, please do a quick google search before you say something stupid like you did in the future.

I didn’t really see one good answer in there, so I’ll just leave this here

I will be reading more of her articles and hope that she does more comparisons in the future! Great work. Thank you for your integrity towards an unbiased review.

Jailed yes, not killed. This isn’t ISIS territory.

I was so frustrated watching this show because of her. She made this show about herself at every corner. I don’t know if it was just the bias of the shows plot line to make her out to be the antagonist or what. She was the personification of a roadblock. Her role as a facilitator did not show. It seemed as though she

Wow, one car caught on fire. Using a makeshift super-charger. Good case and point. Tesla better pack up now and head home. The games over.

What?! Can you do us all a favor and hold your breath for 5 minutes.

Someone always has to bring race into the discussion somehow.

This is the first time I have ever seen a company respond to someone on here. That’s awesome. You guys have my business just because of this.

TELL ME ABOUT IT. There is always a couple in the group that are high and mighty for not having Facebook or not putting pictures on the ‘evil cloud’. I’m pretty direct and just tell them to stop making everyone else’s lives difficult by being difficult.

I am quite aware that is a real profession but this is a sensationalized article attempting to find more gigantic plot holes where there are none. Are you aware of what the major manufacturers did during the 80’s in terms of engineered failures? Not that this is the case, but I think he’s headed in the right direction

I have to be up front an honest, as an Engineer, when I see Reliability Engineer in quotes, that sounds like bullshit. They don’t mention his designation, his name or the company. This is poor reporting and very slanderous in nature. Also no link to data sets or results.

I love inbox. No complaints yet.

Louis CK says “Americans could lose most of their stuff and still be better off than the average Canadian.”

Louis CK says “Americans could lose most of their stuff and still be better off than the average Canadian.”



That and the whole throwing one in their just for the sake of immediate diversity doesn’t work out very well either.

Seemed cool until this popped up.

I hope you know that was a sic reference bro.

I have the mouse synced to 3 computers. It works flawlessly across all three and it is by far the best mouse I have ever owned and I have tried all sorts. I have broke both wrists and several fingers from sports, and this is the first mouse my hand doesn’t cramp up on badly.

Perfect, no EA. Win, Win.