
One is attempted manslaughter.

Yeah they can go to their rooms, one guy goes home to his bedroom and the others are in critical care. Seems fair to me.

Like anything, quality comes into play. Stainless steel is created by alloying (or mixing) different materials together. Iron and nickel are two examples. If the alloy is made incorrectly (the mix is off), they may rust or show signs of corrosion. If the quality is good, you will unlikely see anything but a tarnish

The funny thing about Stainless Steel is that it is specifically engineered to be corrosion resistant. ie Rust.

A fist bump is so unprofessional in any setting except if you work with Andy Samberg.

I have to only slightly agree.

Not that I wouldn’t be stoked to try this out but let me share something:

Instructions unclear. Too matte for me.

The year 2000 called. They want their software back.

Of course it was Beth! Don’t make this about the equipment.

Or you look at it and then you understand how your mother in laws computer is so slow with WildTangent games, Search Conduit and whatever else that clickbaited her into installing onto her perfectly fine computer that then grind it to a halt.

I am “starring” every comment that has nothing to do with this post.

If only IFTTT was on the iPhone!

I could not more agree with you!

If I need advisement on anything from you, it would be desktop configurations and not audio equipment. Thank you for taking your time to write the article though.

Mine too. It’s like c’mon Mom, this is the second time I am going to university and I’m 27 now....

So just spend the most money and that’s it. Typical Lifehacker product shootout.

Maybe be in a relationship that is better... or has clearer borders of personal freedom from day one? I dunno, what are we supposed to say?

But I am sure you let Google and Facebook track you via messenger and maps? lol

My gf and I use Life360, she works a ways out of town, on some roads that can get quite bad in Winter. This way we can see where each other are if the need be or plan for dinner, etc.