
Sarcasm or not, the base-game for those Mods allowed for modding from day one. Nintendo has never allowed for those things, and there’s even a lot of PC developers that also doesn’t do it. Doom and Quake spoiled the modders

They continue to ignore the past because there is a trend among communities to believe they have more right to an IP than the actual owners once it goes out into the world. It ignores the realities of creators trying to make a living.

I am by no means an expert. I am by no means a speed runner. But I did unlock everything possible on the cart back in high school in the 90s.

...and I did discover the retreat and dash trick for the vent sentry during my week of absolute hell when I thought the April Fool’s EGM “All Bonds” unlock was real. 

You’re referring to gorilla warfare?

The irony of an American overseas complaining about those countries not having authentic American cuisine, which is simply an amalgamation of cuisines from different, largely European, cultures, brought to America by immigrants, is worth noting.

If its becoming a real game, they need to make it start out totally normal. Have you be a single guy or girl and you go through the motions of picking a spouse out of a selection of townspeople, wooing them, marrying them. Farming away like everythings happy and then after a set amount of progress, The Argument. you

I don’t know if Liz Phair can act but it’s always been a dream casting idea of mine to have her and Alicia Silverstone play sisters.  

There is so much*SO MUCH*beauty in TLOU2. I hope we are far enough removed from the absurdity that surrounded the game upon its release that we can more properly appreciate the level of artistry involved on virtually every conceivable level. 

Yeah but he wouldn’t hit me because I’m not a woman.

All Mayweather ever does is run away. Barely half of his wins have been via KO. The guy is everything that’s wrong with boxing, and that’s on top of the fact that he’s also just a piece of shit human being.

That’s the end of that. I don’t care how good Harriot is. Admitting that they’re calling an innocent person a Klan member for clicks is unacceptable.

She shouldn’t have said boo, because she had nothing for which to apologize.

This is a mama bear getting rushed by dogs and protecting her cubs, not a bear attacking her dogs

I don’t know why everyone harps on the Uncharted gunplay, it’s probably some of the best 3rd person gunplay out there. 

Your group sounds like the dicks in that situation. So you made some poor chefs begin 16 orders and then walked out because you couldn’t stop yelling inside when asked?

lol did you dismiss all the replies rightfully calling you and your family assholes?

Inside their establishment, absolutely they do.

Well played. 

So would you say this has caused the franchise owners to go into full...meltdown?

Arranging books by colour is book arranging for people who do not read!