
The American version fundamentally fails to understand the relationship between Lizeth and Blomkvist. 

This is a punch in the face of real PTSD sufferers.

I blame Oprah for pretty much everything.

I guess there’s enough blood from the sweatshop workers in their shoes already.

Guess what, kids? You can’t just take someone else’s work, repaint it, and sell it as your own creation. This is especially true when said work belongs to a multi-billion dollar global mega corporation. They could maybe give them away in a raffle or something, but selling them, that’s a big no-no.

I’m not arguing

Did you give her a chance?


OMG no and no to the people starring this. She didn’t get kicked out for being black - it was because she had a mile long trail of racists tweets from her young adulthood (at 17-18 most people are leaving HS or are in college taking care of themselves).

She was cancelled for her bigotry. Being black is irrelevant being a bigot is. This is 2021, you cant hide behind “teenage” misadventures as an excuse and only apologize when you get caught. She though her skin color and gender was a shield to woke inquisitions she was wrong.

Talking of Underwood...

Well then isn’t it right as rain that there are billions of people on the planet and plenty of us are ready, willing, and able to pick up your slack?

i personally think that burger looks disgusting

Stop lecturing people. You are in no position to do that. Thats pure entitlement. Do your job and be a journalist. As if you ever were one.

I mean Lizzo exists so he’s automatically not the worst ever.  

Funny that this doesn’t mention the largest reason: there are a lot of people outright looking for things that can be deliberately taken out of context and misconstrued to say they’re offended and thus show how much they hate witches. Probably the nastiest part is that they’ll all glom on to the attack and accuse

Let’s not forget, you’re outraged at JK Rowling for having the sheer audacity to only agree with 95% of the trans rights activism.

It’s good to spread information about crunch as possible so that it stops is a good thing.

Thank you. While I appreciate what I’m going to take as a good faith attempt at a sincere apology, please know that I can see the comments you make elsewhere on our sister sites and they’re not that nice. I hope you sustain this energy here and carry it with you no matter who’s piece you’re commenting on.

so some suckers make poor financial decisions, and a business makes money of it. suckers then complain to internet, then lawyers make money off it. sounds about right

I call bullshit on calling HR. Unless it’s sexual harassment, HR is borderline useless and will not keep anything confidential.