
Umm... sorry to break it to you bro, but i am Swiss and of Korean descent...? dont know what makes you rage so much about totally unrelated subjects now? The thing is - I asked you to come up with just ONE proof of what you are claiming here and you were not able to do that. Which is ok. So I think we better leave

So...if this is what you call “fighting me”... Well, you still got no substantial proof, only lame “from his own words” stuff. And where´s the proof that what happened to Scott was just because he was black? Bro, you have to get out of the “victim card player” category, stop whining about things that happen to

Yeah I heard that. The car just didnt like his skin color.

I dont have to prove anything dude. YOU made a claim and obviously have no proof to substantiate it. Easy as that. Go home and do your homework bro

sure, go ahead and gimme some examples then

Yeah right. And then have it explode in my garage by itself. Best joke of the day.

you surely have some examples of colored racers getting “shafted multiple times despite walking the walk even in an f1 car”?

Here come the apologists for his behaviour...

Well done Kotaku. I only feel bad for the queer, trans and POC workers who now lost their jobs because of hate journalism.

who plays this crap anyway apart from deluded pick me girls?

Wow. How compassionate. You maybe should do some voluntary work in Gaza.

lol, the answer of a typical ignorant idiot american who knows absolutely nothing about foreign countries. 

No one is “trying to paint Sweden as hellscape”. It already is. Try walking alone at night through Rosengard/Malmo. Hell is there already literally. 2 friends of mine got murdered in the last 2 months by guess who?

Haha all the leftwing fascists here supporting Palastine to WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE MAP are complaining about Nazis? Oh the irony. 

All those racist comments here... Just because he is black, coming from the extreme left. If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism.

Are you proud of your immigration history of the last 20 years too?

What happened to “Believe the women”?

Prostitution pays the bills it seems. Poor girl, she will regret this later in her life when she realizes that she not only sold her body.

Well done Wokism. You killed humour. Well done.

WE ALL KNOW THAT GLADSTONE WILL WIN IT. But you all pretend that this is some fair competition that is not decided beforehand. How dumb.