
I can say the same about you clown

But... but... Lana is WHITE?!?!??


Random guy rants about games he never played. 

What happened to “believe the women”? Only when it suits the feminist scum.

OH YOU POOOOOOOOOOOOR RICH GIRL.... seriously , when did people become such sissies who fall at the lowest hurdle in their lifes? Disgusting. Then maybe don´t act in movies that make you sick. But I guess you have never learned anything in school that would qualify for a regular job girlie

Yeah and time for all those shouters of “Refugees welcome” to open up their guest rooms


Since when do you care when an old white man dies?

Yeah you did, bigot. Now go away


Never read more self-deceiving BS than this article


some random man named Grant Hughes” The hate against white cis men is big on this site. 

Oh give it a rest and pull your head out of her ass. 

A gathering of really OLD people here. Me included.

Of course! Mail order monsters was great! A remake would be veeeery appreciated!

Where are the women soldiers at the front in the ukraine war? Oh, Ghostbusters and all the other super heroine movies are not real about women?

No one needs that. There is only ONE movie about that topic and we all know which one that is.

these faces are looking great! And Everyone loves them.