Little Coward :)
Sure, here you go:
Looks like nearly everyone is called a r4cist today... but Transpeople doing strip shows in Kindergardens is totally ok? What a world we live in.
But Transpeople doing strip shows in Kindergartens are ok, right?
This r4cist pack!
Wait... Most of those books mentioned are ultra light-weight coffee table stuff, so what do you expect? Did you want to show that women are the superior intellectuals? Nice try.
Maybe instead of blaming other(White) people all the time, could it not simply be the case that the album just sucks?
Learn to write first, please.
Oh tthe hypocrites are on it again... just don´t buy it and shut up. It´s also better for your health.
My 3 year old cousin could solve them in a minute.
Seriously?? You are presenting the solutions to puzzles that my 3 year old cousin could solve? Are contemporary players really that stupid nowadays? Seems like.
Always the same script:
A Woman who earns her living by providing a masturbation image for men complains about men?
Yes he is. You shut up.
Still butthurt over JD winning ? Oh you poor Amber..
Just because you don´t know much about the game doesn´t mean you have the right to ridicule the people who love it.
Why not play on a regular, wooded chess board face to face? This mistake would have never happened then.