Opinions of an old white man... yawn. Get with the times - she can wear WHAT SHE WANTS. You sound like an alt-right, im pretty sure you are
Opinions of an old white man... yawn. Get with the times - she can wear WHAT SHE WANTS. You sound like an alt-right, im pretty sure you are
2 girls 1 cup
How could you leave out “Love is Blindness” and “Acrobat”?? And: There is only ONE version of “One” (haha): The original from “Achtung Baby” and not the slaughtering of it with Mary J Blige.
ALL of you hypocrites will buy it.
ER wasnt good anymore since Clooney left
This game is soo beautiful. I wish it was a proper RPG and not a f.ckin Roguelike with all the respawning enemies. No go. Yuck. Hate it. A wasted chance to please me.
So when I played the game, I literally have already watched the show. Good. No need to spend money on HBO then.
Except he did not imply anything like that, only people who like to project think that. Obviously you never learnt to respect other peoples opinions and insult them instead. Sad.
Sad, dude. If you insult everyone who does not share your opinion, you won´t be having any friends anymore in the future. Oh wait...
All the “good” people should read this
That is an insult to Joe Rogan
Chris Rock is the only one who gets it as he laughs at all his raci$t haters (including here in the comments)
This old bald granny cant act at all
Nothing will happen to him. He got the special blessing you know...
You catchphrase, used for the nth time, gets boring baby. And no, you are not cool. Like, at all.
“when fascism comes back, it will come back as anti-fascism.” Nothing truer than during these times.
Give me just ONE legitimate example when Milo was “hammered” “on his playing field” ?
“when fascism comes back, it will come back as anti-fascism.” Nothing truer than during these times.
learn to cope with reality, you over-sensitive spoilt fascist.
If people are too stupid to know what a compliment is, it is definitely not my fault then. Learn to cope with life and stop to always whine “you hurt my feelings” because that makes you nothing but a huge a$$hole.