
And YOU insult Elon Musk for alleged CENSORING??? You censored EVERY SINGLE post of me. So much for hypocricy, fuckers.

This is the mother of all conspiracy theories.


Jezebel, you are not even trying to hide it...Wow. THATS journalism!

Wow. You must be fun at parties, Josie. Typical fem-nazi behaviour.

Sorry Amber, but I have to say your acting did not improve over the years. You still cant bring out those tears despite trying soo hard. You are a terrible actress and everyone can see now.

Yeah thats exactly what the stupid people do. Violence instead of having a discussion and trying to convince the other side and not hiding behind the cowardly “Oooh but he cannot be convinced so I better punch”.

Oh wow. This must be the Mother of all Conspiracy Theories. Well done, Jezebel. Bravo.

You should know.

Ok, EVERY single post i tried to post here was CENSORED. And YOU are worried about Elon Musk? LOL

So  Trans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> black people? Are we there now? Wow. Well done America.

And r@cist trans people want to kill him. Who can go fuck himself now?

Something like this was about to happen judging by the hate and racism the trans community are spewing around. Just ask JKR. 3-2-1 until someone is killed by the trans mob. All those trans apologists going for Chapelle after this now are nothing but racists.

Who attacked him again? A trans man. I see. So you would rather say Fuck the trans attacker.

why do you call that a dad joke? its a good joke but not a dad joke, just because it came from your dad.

its not for the server. The joke is for your company. so that renders your answer meaningless.

Ok. Your gut tells you. People nowadays...

You make. Pasta right. 

stop whining.

Oh White CIS males... they are all the same!