
That poor girl! I really dont understand how they could be so cruel and fire her for these things she clearly did when she was young and not mature enough to think about the consequences. These were not written out of hate. I hope she finds a new job soon. It looks like her workplace was full of white people thats the

Yeah. Always cheer on the people cancelling white teens doing blackface but if it hits yourself you suddenly cry “unfair”... Thats funny.

So being Black (and being young too obviously. Tell that to the cancelled guys who did blackface as kids) saves her from being cancelled when saying racists things? Good to know. And always the same lame excuse with whataboutism... yawn. This doesnt work anymore, mate. Hypocricy at its best.

Yeah and doing blackface as a kid is ok then? Not when youre a white kid obviously.

Apologizing does not save you from being cancelled as we have seen so many times now. So why should it save her? Ahh..she is not white.

So being Black saves her from being cancelled when saying racists things? Good to know. And always the same lame excuse with whataboutism... yawn. This doesnt work anymore, mate. Hypocricy at its best.

...and now imagine it was YOU

Yeah, go and generalize because SOME Metalheads are racist. STFU

So Underwood did not defend a racist in 2017 on her show? 

Talking of Underwood...

Talking of Underwood...

Talking of Underwood...

Talking of Underwood...

Some guys do everything to stay in the public eye, even drugging and robbing people

...And now imagine he was a POC

...and now imagine she was black.

Yeah lets all celebrate drugging and robbing men

I wonder if she blackmailed them afterwards too when she drugged and robbed them

A “classy” pop singer drugging and robbing men. Everyone is free to Google.

the victim card again...yawn