
Which really is a shame.

The picture used at the top of this article is something that can and never will appear in the game and is a great example of the kind of misleading marketing that kept people playing past their allotted 2 hours believing that they would find something interesting like they had been promised.

Do you really think the best answer is eliminating women from winning medals in just about every olympic event?

For what it’s worth athletes in a few sports (at least the ufc) aren’t allowed TRT because the boost in testosterone elevated their physical abilities and provided an unfair advantage in sport.

Playing basketball or being on a play date with other home school kids once a week isn’t a substitute for daily social exposure with peers.

He was literally the only good thing about the Reds for years.

We’re already putting aside concerns about the real world looooong before we worry about things like motivation to learn and holding an actual job in this fantasy world of free spirited home schooling outside the realities of school, society, work, whatever.

Learning to interact with the barista at Starbucks and the grandma working the cash register at Walmart isn’t teaching a child the social skills they need to deal with people their age on a daily basis.

So is there an argument for more netting actually making fans more negligent of keeping themselves safe because of the extra feeling of security?