Terrance Trent D'Arby Crash

And what the hell is a 'fap'?

The vocals are good… Courtney Love has never been accused of being a stellar guitar player, but why would you need to be when you can hire any band you want? Don't think it's nearly as embarrassing as it was intended to be… But, shit, let's be honest… What would you have to do in order to shame Courtney Love?

In that case, he gets no quarter… String him up in a metaphorical critics carnival to serve as an example to the next jackass that might utter such utter garbage… Dude's a rather respected musician for fucks sake… And he claims Nirvana as in influence… No mercy…

I'll cut this guy a break because I assume he's 16 or something… But what a hump… He kinda sounds like he's trying to sell swim fins to a clam…