I’ve got news for you...racists exist north, south, east, west.
I’ve got news for you...racists exist north, south, east, west.
When he has a sore throat, Kelsey Grammer will fill in.
Yes, Kenilworth, Glencoe and Wilmette, the Golden Triangle of multiculturalism.
What, are people supposed to share stuff they haven’t experienced in a fucking comment section? Plus, it’s spot-on.
If you’ve been near Wrigley lately, you’ll notice the Ricketts seem to be trying to turn the area around it into Schaumburg. It’s awful.
Nah, it’s not narrow. You’ve already proved yourself a pedantic twit.
Best thing to do when you’re in a hole? Stop digging.
You misused the phrase “colloquialism,” as I pointed out. The rest was opinion, which, is, if course, neither right nor wrong.
The breadth and scope of this administration’s absurdity is hard to grasp.
Noooope. Alf, my boy, you are using the wrong term.
Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.
That’s really cool, totally accept the extended olive Branch. We agree more than we disagree.
Also, your reply shows a fundamental disrespect towards this line of work. If you think you can read an article, read a comment, and then know enough about it to tell people they need to get “a new line of work,” that’s condescending as hell.
Because some people don’t want it. If I bring you fresh cream, that shit goes bad. Why waste a product, and the time to get that product, on someone who doesn’t care about it?
If someone orders coffee, I ask if they’d like cream and sugar. Doesn’t seem that egregious to me..
Screw you, dick. I’ve been in the business for years, I’m great at it, make great money.
But there’s no reason to waste time and waste fresh cream bringing it to someone who doesn’t want it. Easy to judge something you don’t understand.
Not true. Never assume that you’ll just get what you want. And how damned hard is it to make your lips and mouth form a few extra words while sending breath over your larynx to make sounds, thus informing your server you’d like cream and sugar with your coffee?
You don’t need to collect your things and leave immediately. Tons of places do this. It isn’t right, but there aren’t hospital waiting rooms filled with restaurant patrons with bleeding esophagi.
You made good points, then undermined them with your hyperbolic finish.
In da South Bronx, when I was a kid, we useta jus’ spray-paint hand grenades white and throw ‘em at da’ mailman. “Cept when it was Prince spaghetti day, or if we was playin’ stickball, dat iz.
You, Sir, are clearly the Senior Veteran of the Comment Board, who has experienced this nation’s nastiest snowball throwers. Huzzah to You!
Okay, people shouldn’t throw snowballs at cars. And you also shouldn’t try to kill people who throw snowballs at cars. It’s easy enough to hold both of those thoughts in one brain.
Your skin also wasn’t made of sheet metal.