
I know it’s a lot of stuff, but I find collecting things in BotW very satisfying, I don’t know exactly what it is.

They’re agreeing to make the bill worse in order to pull in the Freedom Caucus.

They have already caved, it’s over.

I love finding these references in random places <3

Conservatives demand product boycotts all the time, I don’t see your point.

I’m sorry if this sounds rude, but are you a US citizen? If so and you are married there is no reason you shouldn’t be working on getting his paperwork done for permanent residency.


If you play through the game at one point you have a personal conversation with Prompto that basically reveals all this (as long as you’re not a dick to him) as well as how Noctis has helped Prompto be more confident

I agree voter suppression is an issue especially in NC and WI but that doesn’t explain PA, MI and to an extent MN (which she won but by a tiny margin). Those states don’t really have suppression issues.

If the staff does this Magary has to be frozen in his thumbs-up dance, no exceptions.

Well at least the media will accurately report what actually happenHAHAHHHAHHHHA *dies*

The filibuster will be nuked. Democrats have zero power or authority.

Welp, now I need counseling.

Are we ever going to see the Bernie post-mortem from Burneko?

I am north also. We will never see GF here.

+1 ligament damage

Niasse was a Martinez buy, and we all saw how well Roberto did. Everton fans were extremely confused by Niasse the instant they got him, this isn’t a new thing.

Koeman obviously agrees with the rest of the EPL that Niasse isn’t good enough. In an American sport he would just be cut.

+fore Pants above the waist

Mcree has Dark Tower lines now which is what I always wanted :)

Sully was a great movie

guh nm