Why are you looking for reasons to get mad and feel superior? Lmao
Why are you looking for reasons to get mad and feel superior? Lmao
this is old but me too! I hope he comes back.
I'm not a vegan, but you're a moron. Colonialism? PETA is a private organization and they're offering money in exchange for people trying something new. They aren't holding anything over anyone.
I don't think animals are people, but I don't think they deserve to suffer short and painful lives in slaughter houses. I'd prefer a world where people all hunted again.
lolololol okay keep telling yourself that
you're a moron
You seem like one of those obnoxious fat bitches that needs to pump themselves up by arguing with people on the Internet and framing everything they say as fact.
LoL why don't you go defend honey boo boo's mom for making her a fatass more
LoL why don't you go defend honey boo boo's mom for making her a fatass more
I appreciate the thoughtful response and I agree with everything you said. I definitely don't begrudge a woman some lee way to be bitchy and crazy- but the attitude here seems to be "well, if he wasn't such a dolt he wouldn't be getting him head bitten on!" First of all, we don't have enough info from the letter to…
It's an insult, it's true. She constantly talks out of her ass and doesn't bother fact checking. Why don't you go whine about your personal life more on another thread? :D
Because that is totally my goal- to massage your ego
My comment actually wasn't directed at you at all- I'm not sure how I ended up responding to you. My bad!
I think walking away from someone who is emotionally abusing you is a totally valid way to handle things. How is it childish to withdraw because you don't want to be attacked? The women is also unleashing her anger on her toddler in case you missed that part.
Thank you! The comments on this article and the article itself are utter man-bashing. I'm sorry his partner is having a tough pregnancy, but it is not an excuse to be emotionally abusive to her husband AND her two year old. Jesus.
That seems like a bizarre thing to get all pissed off at a spouse about. I don't mind my husband asking me for help and he doesn't mind me asking him either. I needed him to help me jump my car yesterday- the man I married certainly wouldn't have barked at me to just google it lol
That seems like a bizarre thing to get all pissed off at a spouse about. I don't mind my husband asking me for help and he doesn't mind me asking him either. I needed him to help me jump my car yesterday- the man I married certainly wouldn't have barked at me to just google it lol
Why does someone deserve "wrath" for asking how to do a chore? I can't think of a chore I would need my partner to explain to me, but I sure as hell don't think I would deserve wrath for asking. I'm not on board with it being okay for women to be emotionally abusive because they are women and that's what's I'm getting…
This article makes me sad. The general consensus here seems to be that she has license to be emotionally abusive because she's pregnant. I feel sorry for the men the commenters are married too. It's not okay for her to make him feel like shit because she's pregnant any more than it's okay for a man to abuse his wife…
Would you be blaming the person who feels abused if the genders were reversed here? You're basically saying he should be better if he wants to not get emotionally abused.