
Does the Preventor wear that suit because he suffered a horrifying accident playing with tiny firecrackers in his youth?

Well, I guess we know what Nimh's secret was.

And lack of medical care.

Totes. I'm trying to think of the most sci-fitastic place I can. I vote Virginia Theater for anything sci-fi and Cream and Flutter cupcakes. Cause I like cupcakes.

Self inflicted got himself in the ass.

So, yes. I am safe. Heard about this last night from my twitter feed, since this is seriously blocks from where me and Mom work. She got the text sent to her phone. I immediately checked my local news on fb. Yes. Central Illinois is well prepared for zombie apocalypse.

WHY DID I LOOK AT THIS??? Now I'm going to have even more teeth-falling-out nightmares.

Of course it didn't work. It was a Buick.

Okay, so when Regina is trying to negotiate with Mr. Gold and he's all "I'm not going to bargain with you, because you don't have anything I want." Was I the only person screaming about the creepy room in the hospital basement???

I have so many issues with this it's hard to begin.

I always disliked this one. After two movies, having a romance in Aliens3 seemed unnecessary.

Nope, central Illinois too

Henry Darger really only wrote the one book, but it was among the longest ever written and the artwork is startlingly beautiful.

You mean that didn't really happen?

That's a beautiful name.

I get that. The absolute worse is when I hear my recorded voice and wonder how I have any friends. It's being so comfortable in my own head, that I forget there's a whole body and face attached to it.

I know how to fix this. A few comments have lamented the slow degragation of reading comprehension, hell, even an interest in reading. Some have blamed No Child Left Behind or our current educational system. Want future generations to be voracious readers? READ TO THEM. What makes me want to burn stuff down is

The Full Rumplestiltskin.

She really is incredible. I loved her in Arrested Development. And Young Adults was so wonderfully, darkly funny.