Terence Valentino

LOL @ all the TWD haters at avclub who are STILL talking about a show they hate. If you watched the season premiere, you are a stupid idiot and just supported AMC getting some ad revenue dollars offa your dumb ass.

you can break any show down with that characterisation. The Big Bang Theory is 'nerd porn', Breaking Bad is 'meth porn', Better Call Saul is 'sleazy lawyer porn' and etc.

Who exactly are you to say that a show is "bad"? Do you speak for every human being with good taste? I like the show, and in my opinion my taste is better than anybody else's on this Earth, so please stop speaking in absolutes.

The masses vastly disagree with you, but go ahead and think that your one viewership will mean a damn thing to AMC as they count their millions of dollars in ad revenue alone. Ta-ta! (aka see you next week on the avclub forums, addict)

not when millions tune in for the season premeire, there ain't. You sound personally invested in the success of the show— do you own AMC stock?

This illustrates the main problem with Roman— his yo-yo booking.

You have no appreciation for the great bad guy that The Miz is. He essentially has exactly the same gimmick as Tyler Breeze (who is a MUCH BETTER technical wrestler)— but comparing the two The Miz knows how to utilize his charisma like an expert and I think everyone would agree he is overall the better Superstar at

Eva's the bizarro Enzo— she's female, can't cut a promo, and can't be carried to a great match like Enzo can— but she gets huge heel heat while Enzo gets huge face reactions.

his ironic "Rise Above Hate" was my favorite, since he was simultaneously giving the fans a time-out for booing him while ignoring his hypocrisy in making gay jokes about his opponents or mocking the potential of midcarders who challenged him for the US title.

Just saw this and as it stands as a non-canon cash grab off the "Darko" franchise it was fairly enjoyable. I'd rate it a solid C+ as the dilm kept me entertained enough to watch all the way through to the credits.

Of course! I remember being the only person calling LOST a trainwreck waiting to happen in Season 1… but he who laughs last yada etc so forth!

If Robot and Elliot are the same, we would still need to rationalize why Darlene didn't EXECUTE since she told Mr. Robot verbatim that she would EXECUTE if Robot took "one step closer" to her. Elliot not only stepped closer but got right up next to her, in Darlene's frenzy I don't assume it was an idle threat.

I'm 30 and I picked up on the Durden implications immediately. Like questioning Slater being a figment of Elliot's mind from the first scene on the subway precisely because he introduced himself as an unreliable narrator (claimed to see Men in Black that weren't there who followed him).

So many better shows that you failed to name even one!