

Colin Jost is a hack. I really hope SNL puts the focus back on its female performers who are dynamic and fun to watch. They are the stars of the show right now and I hope SNL realizes this.

I punched him over the railing on my first play through and his corpse never made it to the ground so I couldn't collect his inventory.

Just looking at that screen cap makes me realize how far we've come very quickly.

I don't think Matthew's point was that everyone who disappeared were sinners. His stated point, when he spoke to the security guard in the casino, was that some of them were not like the others and he wanted to expose those who were doing bad things in order to make sure they were separated from the innocent people

If by successful you mean successfully stole a ton of money from people….

The 2nd "photo" link goes to an unrelated video of Peyton Manning's ovation in Indianapolis, just FYI.

I think this just sets up Bolton (or at least Bolton's men) being their own faction in the war.

I'm pretty sure Sam kills the Wight on the way from Craster's to the wall? Also doesn't the crows in the cave incident occur on the way to the wall, too? Doesn't that foreshadow coldhands or something?

Sam kills the wight on the march back to the wall. In the book, they go back to Craster's before going back to the way, right? (And that's where shit hits the fan…)

When they reveal Selmy in the books, my first thought was "How the hell are they going to do this on the tv show?" I'm glad they just got it out of the way. They need to condense a lot of the plot lines for the tv show, anyway.

Their pointy hats weren't very pointy, if you ask me.

I'm with you guys. This episode feels like Finale part 1 of 3 rather than just another episode to me.

This is one of the most heart breaking moments in tv history for me