Terence Darby


You said "I'm not defending the segment," but then defended the segment. The fact that nuclear weapons have not _actually_ been dropped is not a very good argument. Your standard was whether or not there is a real conflict. Since the US and China have vaguely threatened nuclear war with each other over a dozen

Thank you for showing your true racist colors. Man, I'm running up the score! This is like Alabama playing a community college…

It's fascinating listening to you cowardly bigots turn yourselves around in circles in a blatantly asinine attempt to defend Kimmel's racism. What a brave man, that Kimmel! No attempt at actually addressing his show's responsibility for airing the segement, just "b-b-but the k-k-kid said it! Blame the kid!" He

The truth is that was a sickeningly racist segment that would never have aired if someone was calling for the death of white people. You claim some sort of immunity because this is not a 'real conflict,' meanwhile demonstrating complete historical ignorance of the subject. As I prove it is a real conflict you steam

The problem with playing chess with a pigeon is that even when they lose they strut around crapping all over the board

No, I'm sure his family is thrilled about Kimmel airing the segment then bravely hiding behind their six-year old son. I'm sure you admire Kimmel's bravery as well.

"We're not going to war with China over the legitimacy of Taiwan."
HOWEVER- "Bush told ABC News Wednesday that Beijing needs to understand that the U.S. would "do whatever it takes" to defend Taiwan.
US soldiers fought Chinese soldiers in Korea…

Your flatulence is far more eloquent than your words.

Talentpun reminded me that I forgot to say something important. Hey Jimmy Kimmel, 'comedian' who is bravely hiding behind a six-year old, go f*** yourself.

The idea that the show's producers didn't throw that kid under the bus by airing that sentiment and bringing international notoriety to him is so laughable… Some pretty stupid people on this thread. Game, set, match.

oh right. There's no conflict whatsoever over Taiwan, even though both governments have said they will fight a nuclear war over it. Good for your grandfather. Unluckily, that has nothing to do with whether or not you have a clue what you're talking about.

Oh I'm certainly not calling you two unintelligent for disagreeing with me. I'm saying you're unintelligent because you implied I held the kid accountable when my post said "Jimmy Kimmel threw this kid under the bus," a sentiment that directly implicates Kimmel and exonerates the kid. You seem to have bad reading

Listen to you! "The arab-israel thing doesn't count because that's an actual conflict." You have some nerve calling kids dumb! Thank the stars my three year old isn't as stupid as you!

I am not holding him accountable. I'm holding Jimmy Kimmel accountable. You don't seem to have the requisite intelligence for this discussion if you couldn't figure that out.

what if an Arab kid "joked" about killing everyone in Israel? Oh Whatever It's Just A Joke People HAHA- No. That. Would. Not. Be. The. Response. Because it would not be funny. Or, just to flip it around completely, what if a Chinese kid "joked" about killing everyone in the USA and it was broadcast on Chinese

The fact that China is hassling Disney is barely significant. Personally, I try not to be shocked by corporate malfeasance, idiocy in the entertainment industry, etc. The fact that ABC actually aired a sentiment so disgustingly horrible actually did shock me. The fact that it was said by a kid actually made it even