
You specified a group of which I might be construed as a member had I not clarified my views! This is FAKE NEWS

1. Does Prince of Egypt count?
2. Sir Daniel Day-Lewis

Final result looks to be around 48% Osoff, leading Republican around 20% for second place. 49.5 D/50.5 R split overall. Runoff is gonna be ugly.

Looks like Osoff came thisclose to avoiding a runoff but won't quite make it.

Ron Paul Ryan is a hybrid genetic experiment with the tax-cutting powers of twenty normal legislators!

Usually if they're going to do dual binge-watch/proper review coverage they announce it outright. Looks like it's just gonna be the one article.

Howard the Duck better be in at least two of them.

"Congrats Erdogan for figuring out how to get around all those BAD HOMBRES in the Deep State! Wish I could do the same!" - Trump, probably

Turns out F8 may bite me in the ass in the movie draft (or at least not be worth its position as my first pick). I shouldn't have assumed it'd be as big as Furious 7 domestically. Beauty and the Beast is looking like the best value aside from The Last Jedi.

I too went to Samurai Cop. It was truly bonkers. Like if The Room was an action movie.

This one is The Time Travelers and it's markedly better as a film than TISCWSLaBM-UZ.

Narrator were you aware that the third episode of the new MST3K features one of Vilmos Zsigmond's first American films?

Has the apotheosis of a TV personality's oeuvre ever before been so on-the-nose?

I'm impressed if he could still rise again after that.

I really wish I could figure out where to apply. I graduate in a month but I don't have any prospects lined up. Lining my pockets with (((Soros))) money would be a great way to spend the summer.

Eh, why not. I need a break from my research paper.

The next oldest person was born in March 1900, so she was the last living connection to the 1800s.

That song instantly joined the MST3K song pantheon with "Toobular Boobular" and "Patrick Swayze Christmas" (in addition to being a tribute of sorts to the "Godzilla Genealogy Bop"). I think that was definitely them putting their best foot forward for the first big host segment.

That forest has the highest density of large predatory mammals anywhere on Earth!