
I knew we were going to turn into a fascist state eventually but I thought it would take just a smidge longer than eight days.

It should be a show about the rogue American comedy writer who's willing to come up with the hilarious zingers that enemy leaders suddenly start using in their speeches. The CIA keeps trying to figure out who's behind these enemies' lines.

The relevant clip reveals that he barely even uses them for more than 3 seconds. But those 3 seconds were in every trailer I saw for that dumb fucking movie! https://www.youtube.com/wat…

They were in the saddle bags, duh.

21st century Western would-be blockbusters love their Gatling guns, and they're always a bad idea. The Gatling gun scene was one of the most bathetic in the already tonally-scattered The Lone Ranger, and Jonah Hex having two Gatling guns on his horse is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in a movie trailer.

Not really, I was 8 and my parents were at the time R-leaning/apolitical.

Honestly if the US survives four years of Trump and says "more please!" we as a species deserve to perish in nuclear flame. I won't even be mad.


CZ 2017 Movie Draft: 2016 Oscar Prediction Minigame!

The policy doesn't matter. The body of the order might as well just have said "headlines across the country will say 'Trump Signs Order Weakening ACA'" and the effect would have been the same. And that was the goal all along.

It doesn't.

Maybe we were all sucked into the Content Funnel and everything that's happened in the last 7 months has been the AI malfunctioning.


Pete Hammond hired as Official Administration Reviewer

Definitely the latter.

It all depends on how much voter suppression the GOP can ram down the country's throat between now and 2018. Congressional votes are highly correlated with Presidential approval; if Trump's awful numbers get awful-er, it wouldn't require a very large wave by historical standards (26 pickups) to get the House back. But

As a book it was a big thing in Christian circles last decade. With the movie they're aiming hard for the Church Group audience. At the end of the trailer there's a thing saying "for group bookings visit ComeToTheShack.com" which is easily in the top 10 sketchiest URLs I have ever been instructed to visit.

Alas, no. But won't the kiddies love it when the Alec Baldwin Baby quotes the Alec Baldwin character from Glengarry Glen Ross?

Eventually. Probably not this year though.

I saw the weirdest bunch of trailers at Hidden Figures today