

We're still going man. After that one we got the S4 finale review above 80k comments, the S5 finale to 96K, and the S6 finale should eclipse 100k today.

So we can safely conclude that:
- Hillary beats Trump by 2-to-1 margin
- Johnson will reach 5% and acquire his deeply ironic federal funding for next time
- Secret Romney Proxy McMullin will win Utah and Idaho

It really just came out of nowhere because Colbert likes doing musical numbers.

The spit takes were fun, the singing not so much. Kinda cool to see Other Hamilton.

The official outfit of the Mayor of Candytown apparently.

Jon Stewart On The Late Show Alert!

I literally could not imagine anyone voting into the office of President a man whose face so closely resembles a Blobfish.

I was looking through my old files and found the paper I wrote for my Shakespeare class in early 2014 where Richard II and Henry IV advise Hillary whether or not to run for President, and Chris Christie was the worst-case opponent I could think of. Such naivete…


It's a joke, but then again so are the actual choices.

It'll be this generation's Joey!

Christie will be Secretary of Transportation.

Trump tried to do 5 rallies in a day and now he's running 3 hours late and pissing off his supporters.

It was basically his score for the new Star Treks but with a harpsichord and an electric sitar added in.

Those were the songs by other artists that they had to license for the film.

I believe it's called a chyron.

I bet if you asked any of those 50% of people what was actually so bad about the e-mails that it's worse than… *consults rolodex of Trump horribleness* …attacking a Gold-Star family, they wouldn't even come close to being able to articulate a reason.

Cummerbund Bandersnatch is not doing well on SNL.