
By not talking about it, duh doy

I can't believe he's still filling all his time with his 'super duper secret G I Joe attack plan' idiocy without anyone calling him out on it. I miss Martha Raddatz.

I can't watch the debate because I'm working and I feel so FREE

Common misconception, you'd actually only be able to drive on those playgrounds where the ground is made of ground-up tires.

I can't wait to see him save the Oompa Loompas from a rampaging horde of CGI Vermicious Knids.

For real though, as much as I hate grammatical gender, the fact that it is so omnipresent and decoupled from the actual concept of gender in the Spanish language means that there should be no problem with following the mixed-gender convention and going with "Latinos". It doesn't exclude a gender any more than use of

I always imagine the author saying "Take that, you chauvinist… uh, centuries-old linguistic convention" and flipping off a book of Spanish grammar.

Apparently Chris Christie played Hillary in Trump's 'debate prep'. I don't even…

1. 17 Again
2. Last Action Hero
3. The one where Nicole Kidman pees on him

He's basically turned his campaign into a cover album of everything the alt-right has jacked off to in their little corner of the internet over the years. "Donald Trump's Now That's What I Call Dog Whistles Vol. 2!"

Welcome to the third debate, moderated by Jerry Springer.

I guess I can see why you'd feel that way, and I sort of did too last week, but with only 3 weeks until the election and nearly 2 million votes already cast I really do think he's out of contention. The salient question now is who controls the Senate.

I hurt my shin by walking into a balance beam at the playground I sneak into at night to do pull-ups and use the zip line. Crime doesn't pay.

It's all I have!

I would be pedantic about you calling him Darth Vader since Anakin didn't assume that name until after TCW but they mixed his voice in with JEJ's in the Rebels finale so you get a pass.

If anything, we should lay the blame for this obstructionism at the feet of Ted Cruz. This follows directly from the debt ceiling hostage-taking legislative terrorism of him and his Freedom Caucus cronies. It's a separate brand of GOP toxicity and it would have been happening regardless of whether Trump or Cruz was

Trump doesn't even understand enough about how the government works to advocate that type of obstructionism. It was birthed from the same swamp of craven ignorance and nihilism that let him take root and grow, but he's not the cause of it.

I suspect we'd reach a Constitutional crisis sometime before year 3.