
Man if that wasn't the character description for the person who murdered The Rereremembererer's sister that whole show was a waste.

Depends on how big a dog you are really. If you're an actual Labrador then you're like 300 but a small dog would only be 120, according to some chart I found.

It's simple: there's actually two Hillary Clintons, the frail real one and the unstoppable robot double constructed in secret during Bill's second term.

Who knew that a navy blue pantsuit with a kevlar vest underneath wasn't good warm weather wear?

I was worried the fundamental emotional premise wouldn't carry over since it relies fairly heavily on tense, but it sounds like they figured out how to transfer that same ambiguity/reveal into the language of film. I'm very excited for it.

I'm trying to figure out a joke about birthdays in Labrador & Newfoundland being measured in dog years due to their weird time zone and the fact that it's called "Labrador" but it's like three gears opposing each other and I can't make it work.

If anyone lives in an area with a MeTV affiliate, Svengoolie will be showing the uncut version of the original Star Trek pilot "The Cage" tonight in honor of Trek's 50th.

"Basket of deplorables" is such a delightful turn of phrase.

Even after watching it a second time in the damp outdoors, it's hard to believe that The Big Short is over two hours. It just flies by.

An awful lot of our memes are facilitated by Disqus' html support. I wonder if we'll remain vital long enough to generate a meme centered on the spoiler system.

TRUMP: Hello, my tremendous friend

FRIEND: Jesus, isn't this awful, Donald?

TRUMP: You know what's awful, is these videos I keep seeing on the news of thousands of Muslims cheering in New Jersey.

FRIEND: Wait you… you think they're in New Jersey? Those videos are of Baghdad when they exist at all, Donald.

TRUMP: I'm very

If only they'd made a movie with a Latina princess already, Trump would never have happened.

No, every ethnicity must stay in its special, separate sociocultural box from now until the end of time. It's the only way to keep things pure.

This would be a fine question if it was, like, "has the most missed potential". Why must it be couched in terms of personal offense? (I know the answer is "because hot taeks" but still).

It's 2016 Gussie, the new EIC is obviously an artificially-intelligent content funnel.

Very impressive construction! If it's truly relying on all-vanilla PF bricks they must have some complex gearing to get everything going so fast - however, it's hard to tell in the .gif whether or not he's integrated non-System components in the central body. After all he had no compunctions about mounting it on a

It shouldn't, it's just ejecting 5L (or maybe 7L?) technic liftarms with a couple of 1/2 pins in them. No studs, no sharp corners - they really wouldn't be that bad to step on.

I knew you had a sister and no car before, you were never completely mysterious.


Gonna get that sweet Vox tronc money eh?