
Yeah I was hedging because I haven't seen his entire filmography but I can't imagine him ever making anything better.

You should! It's probably his best.

Where's Ed Wood?

Nightmare isn't directed by Burton!

This is probably correct.

It's the #1 televisual source of salmon ladders and abs!

Rank the major films of Tim Burton.

Why do you think you're the only one who usually actually asks people anything when they do AMAs?

What's the last book you read?

When will NBC's Chicago bubble burst?

How many political ads are you seeing per day on average?

Which national food chain that serves pancakes is least gross?

Why don't you watch American Ninja Warrior?

Yeh I wouldn't get too excited. This article is mostly boilerplate generic crap with the only real information being "they found a signal". No details. I don't think it's worth getting our hopes up for anything less persuasive than the Wow! signal.


I caught "The Child" on a retro station the other day and goddamn was that a bad way to start a new season. The only good thing to come out of it was Riker's beard.

It is! I'm finally taking Real Analysis this semester so I'll get to learn about that sort of thing more in-depth after having consumed popular depictions years ago.

Wow fuckin Disqus hid this from me for 3 hours.

Yeah it looks fun. It seems like there's really no reason for it to be made out of Lego aside from branding, but I'm not complaining.