
1: "Kid goes back in time and tries to sleep with his mother. Disgusting! He should go forward and try to sleep with his daughter instead."

They'll probably have a net positive impact by hugely reducing death and injury, increasing viable labor hours for thought workers, increasing overall efficiency of transportation, increasing the mobility of seniors and children, etc. They'll probably revolutionize the entire concept of car ownership in the long term,

Bojack Horseman

Probably never? Is the 3D essential to it? Because I don't know anyone who owns a 3D TV. Does anyone in the world own a 3D TV?

I think they're written as much as they need to be. Lorraine is interesting by virtue of the contrast between her adult and high-school selves. Jennifer is sort of a cipher but she's not in the movie much by dint of plot. It's a very plotty movie, and characterization of anyone outside the central duo is limited by

Right after I wrote this somebody came in and but now I will go back and answer all of Loki's questions!

I am at my job as a math tutor for four hours tonight. There have been only two days of classes so far. Nobody needs any help yet so I'll just be sitting here playing N++ and/or watching MST3K. AMA.

"And who's this purple weirdo?"

At the time I believe he's 14.

I'm only counting network shows here. As not just a cord-cutter but a cord-never-haver I'm still strangely attached to the network season.

Actually there are a couple shows I'm excited for.

In order to keep up appearances after having transformed into Ron, Harry's kid kisses Hermione, who is his aunt. So it's not Bloodlines of Conquest level stuff but it's there.

I know things are usually slow here towards the end of summer, but hopefully things will pick up again like they always do when Fall TV comes back to the networks, with all their exciting new and returning shows like….

So Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is just Back to the Future Part II. It's cute enough but immensely unnecessary. If the actual production manages to do even half of what's in the stage directions it must be the most technically marvelous show in history, or at least since Spider-man: Turn Off the Dark

But which tradition will you raise the kids in?

It's a still-in-progress trilogy of YA books. We've been working on it on and off for… geez, eight years now. We're about halfway through the final volume. After that I'll want to go back and revise the first two because I was 12 and 15 when we wrote them.

Mike Pence's comic strip reads a lot like "Jim the Duck". Just needs a few more "What the hell!"s.

When my dad and I self-published our book the first edition had a ragged right by accident. I found it kind of annoying but that could just be years of both-sides-justified conditioning talking.

Palatino is nice.