
Three episodes in a row with cliffhangers! I dig super-serialized Steven Universe!

Pretty sure it's a dolphin pop star who had a hit single about her abortion.

Real talk: Battlebots would make for an awesome Olympic event. It would be a cross between the competitive tourney sports and the old timey art and architecture competitions from when the games first started.

I believe he's actually in first-run syndication.

Honestly the first season was a pretty good satire about how well a demagogue could hijack a political party once it's run out of ideas. But it started to lose something as the other colorful characters got knocked out, and it looks like season 2 is just gonna be simultaneously too unrealistic and too on-the-nose with

Well that makes me feel a little better.

The other 1% of the time it's because they cut the brake lines on a bus full of glee clubbers.

Also no more Ben Carson :(

I, for one, welcome our new Beck Bennett overlords.

I'm not certain what definition of hawkishness you're working from but I feel like it's pretty much become equated with interventionism in contemporary discourse.

Hillary Clinton, when she was Obama’s secretary of state, argued for an early and assertive response to Assad’s violence. In 2014, after she left office, Clinton told me that “the failure to help build up a credible fighting force of the people who were the originators of the protests against Assad … left a big

BoB as a movement is now largely outside the Democratic party (she has a typical 92%+ level of party support in recent polls, so it's Bernie-voting independents who she has yet to pick up) so she really has a choice of which way she goes in attempting to pick up available voters outside the Democratic base. I can only

I agree with Loki on the Wall Street thing. The problem is that you need millions of dollars to get elected to the Senate, and by far the largest industry in New York is financial services, so that's necessarily where campaign contributions to the Senator from New York will come from. Her hawkishness and admiration of

To be fair(?) to Johnson, he opposes mandatory vaccines the same way he opposes mandatory seat belts - i.e. out of a broad, general stupidity rather than a specific, conspiratorial stupidity.

You should still show up to vote downballot, so skipping one bubble isn't that huge a time-saver. Might as well pick somebody.

Ehhh… she continues to hedge on the issue and use the concern-trolling language of anti-vaxxers to dogwhistle them. Not to say that anti-vaxxing and white supremacy are on the same level of badness, but it's a lot like the dance Trump is doing with white supremacists - putting on a public face that's just barely

I went to a talk given by one of my professors about when to use ML on a project and the gist of it was "never". It is mostly very dumb and introduces more problems than it solves, according to a guy who works with it for a living. So I wish tronc luck and eagerly anticipate the content funnel going haywire and

I did! It was a long time ago on a cruise. Nothing too extreme (since a seventh-grader and his 70-year-old grandpa had to be able to handle it) but it was indeed fun.

Whitewater kayaking/canoeing is really neat. It's the summer Olympic sport that most reminds me of the winter Olympics.