
I think when Damon and Jamie formed Gorillaz, it was meant to be a small side project so I don't think they were taking it too seriously, hence the lyrics to 19-2000 or 5/4. Compare the lyrics/themes from that album to Demon Days and on, and you can see they started taking it much more seriously after Phase 1 ended.

My only real complaint is that the app kinda sucks and really detracts from the experience of using it, personally. Otherwise, its a pretty good service.

I got you covered

She also played Dee in 'The Wayan's Bros.'

The one that stuck out to me the most was Vlad Putin

and Ilana's coworker that absolutely hates her was Weenie Feet Bobbins in the "Crowd Sourced Character Contest 2" episode of TCGS http://youtu.be/L0tCBn0ZshY…
Also, Mimi was Hula-hooping nude in Central Park when they were tracking down Abbi's phone

You don't bring that up ever again, y'hear?