
Hello Mudda

One source said the procedure Pierre-Paul had done Sept. 4 to “close up” his middle finger was still fresh when he met with team doctors on Sept. 7.

Nope. I guess 3 officials staring at it wasn’t enough

Somehow, that tweet a few days back taunting Roger Goodell about the court ruling doesn’t seem like the best decision now.

Are you being serious right now?

The University of Texas at El Paso’s teams are referred to as “the miners”.

Oil is harmful to condors, just like Jared Fogle is harmful to miners.

Still better than UTEP’s new mascot.

Also, is no one else concerned that this rally looked like something out of Deliverance?

Lots of tripping going on in Eastern Europe these days.

Last I heard (and it might have been in a Deadspin post), they are down significantly over the past several years as more and more people get rid of cable/satellite TV in favor of Netflix and such. Also, SportsCenter just doesn’t serve any purpose in the smartphone era where scores and highlights and news are all

You know, a weird thought just occurred to me: maybe, and hear me out on this one, but maybe they take high school football too seriously in Texas.

Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.

Colts’ bolts jolt dolts.

“Napping? That guy didn’t look Puerto Rican.”

I did not write this letter for public consumption