
Here’s the other difference though. I don’t think Green is trying to hurt anyone. He plays head games big time and he walks the line, but he’s respected for his game. I don’t think Dellavadova is trying to hurt anyone either, but he has zero game and earns little respect. Which begs the question: if he has no game,

Let’s start with this: I’m a Kings fan. Now...

We think alike.

Glad they pulled him. He didn’t look quite right. He was actually calling a good game.

Poor Hale. Never could get interviews with that last name.

Hit bull win steak?

Editors were all:

Hey kid...fuck you!

Dylan is writing a song about it right now.

My wrist is constantly near my dick and balls, so I understand the mix-up.

This is how they remind you.

Agreed. Go with heat races with a “last chance” qualifier and a 20 car final. Make the final long enough to require a fuel stop and pit strategy. Done and done.

Seriously. Use your words, people!

There’s only two things from Texas: Steers and greedy sports franchise owners who are committed to financially raping the citizens of their respective cities.

F1 light is being generous.

Buh buh buh...what about the Unwritten Rules?!??!?

All of it! Plunking him in his last AB, the slide, being mad about the bat flip, the Fielder bean ball. It’s all so goddamn stupid.

Well, that’s chicken shit!

I’m assuming these two teams will play again this season.