Speaking of gone too far:
Speaking of gone too far:
Engineer here - 100% agree.
It immediately brought to mind this engineering fail that I was taught in college:
This will likely end up in the engineering ethics classes. Right alongside Morton Thiokol rockets on the Challenger and the walkway collapse at a hotel in Kansas City.
Yep. It sucked diseased donkey balls and I would have loved to kick their thieving ass. However, there’s not a goddamn thing that I own that’s worth someone’s life.
Oh, threats are cool here?
I read that as “after it gets shot up by the police later tonight,” and was about to ask what crime you were planning to commit, but then I realized my error.
Were I the Rick to your Morty I’d erase my error from your mind and others - but I am sadly/thankfully not. Thanks!
If I lived in Iowa, I would do this. In fact, I’d insist on it. After all, it’s “store policy” riiiiiiiight?
Right? What if I’m wearing Old Navy pants? I have to drop trou right at the register?
“anytime someone wears Old Navy clothing they have to always scan that customer’s clothing to ensure that it was previously purchased,”
“For $10/hr you bet your ass I will be on the front line for my nation (Old Navy) in this never-ending-war against thieves (black people)!”
IIRC, requiring ID to use a credit card is in direct violation of their merchant agreement.
Funny how a black man walks in decked out in Old Navy gear and all they see is a black man. Cashiers and managers are a dime a dozen. The while staff involved was probably immediately fired, one can hope. Kudos to dude for not acting too wild and getting arrested or shot.
This is infuriating on so many levels.
For 10% less cost per seat per flight, screw your water pressure. How you see the bathroom as some kind of escape from the cabin is beyond me. I spend as little time in that sticky, smelly den as possible.
Fuck off, “he reached for his waistband” is the police equivalent of elementary school students saying “my dog ate my homework”.
OVER A DOLLAR FUCKING FIFTY. People who do this shit should have their internet privileges revoked for 10 years. idk how but it should happen.
Percentage of fault divided among those involved:
Isn’t this just he inevitable ebb and flow of partisanship?