
I have a better question for you.

You can say that again.

#1 and #8 are pretty much verified fact.

As a late luncher, it’s not about being too busy, it’s about hating other people.

Don’t buy unitaskers.

Don’t buy unitaskers.

Yeah, thats dumb as shit.

How does one be in “violation” of a recommendation? Please explain.

if baron is over 8, there were no state laws being violated as it was mentioned he was 6 months over the minimum. If your going to critique, at least be accurate. A recommendation is not a requirement.

The fundamental basis of your article if flawed. How would paying all that money for insurance have saved you any money out of pocket at 24? It would have cost you the insurance costs but because you haven’t met the deductible yet you’d still have had to pay that out of pocket as well. And guess what? When you have

Well, there was that Hulk Hogan thing...

Luxury! At least you had a shovel. I had to clean the driveway with my hands with nothing but light gloves to keep my hands from freezing.

Actually those in the majority, be it society or the WNBA, will usually exercise power and be perceived as bullies. Regardless of race, orientation, etc, its human nature. You are making some broad assumptions to protect your view that someone who isn’t heterosexual could not possibly be a bully.

i suppose I could run the hose 300 feet out, then wrap it with heating tape so it doesn’t freeze when it’s -20 out... or I could dig a trench to 44" deep, run plumbing to a frost-proof hydrant and fix that when it inevitably freezes anyway.

And the fact we’ve had these types of curtain rods since forever. (And for $7 too)

And the fact we’ve had these types of curtain rods since forever. (And for $7 too)

>and if they don’t I think that by law the restaurant needs to make up the difference, but neither of those regularly work out on the job.

It’s astounding to me how many employed adults have no idea how employment works. From statements like this to the myth that tipped employees only make $2.13/hour, etc. They should have FLSA teaching in high school or something.

To avoid all the click bait

You clearly have no idea how tax deductions and operating cost work.

As someone who drives (and lives) in Montana, a Montana mountain road seems like a terrible place for Autopilot. Half the time, the roads could be described as theoretical.